

Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Rock paper scissors lizard Spock


Performable Program / Script

“Individually or in small groups of 2 or 3, students will design and write a program or script to be performed. This can be taken literally, as in your script is intended to be enlivened by actors. This can be taken loosely and all terms can be creatively interpreted. Regardless, all performances must incorporate learned principles of scripted ‘functions,’ and must also include an element of ‘chance.’”

Tournament Rules

My teammates Shruthi and Quinn had the idea of running a rock-paper-scissors tournament at a meeting for Theta Tau, an engineering fraterinity at Penn in which they are members. Our ‘script,’ then, was the ruleset of the tournament.
Shruthi and Quinn recorded the tournament using a classroom camera, which captured the entire event overhead.


I created a webpage to display the tournament video, embedding it into the page and adding the tournament winners and ruleset. I used a variety of fonts and colors to give the page a “my dad was the webmaster in the 90's and he uploaded this video” vibe.