rock, paper, scissors...

Winner: Logan Cho. Runner-up: Ajay Sheth. Semifinalists: Tendai Ball, Shruti Agarwal.

Tournament Organizers: Quinn Liu, Shruthi Kunjur, Theta Tau Penn. Webpage: Nick Cirillo.


  1. Every player starts as a "winner."
  2. Every winner should raise their hand to indicate they are a winner, and are not in a game.
  3. Each winner should pair up with another winner.
  4. Each pair will play a best-of-three set of rock, paper, scissors.
    1. The loser of the set will follow the winner for all future games, and will cheer and hype them up for each.
    2. The winner should raise their hand to indicate that they are a winner and are looking for another game.
  5. Repeat steps III and IV until there are only two winners left.
  6. The last winner standing wins the entire tournament.