rock, paper, scissors...
Winner: Logan Cho. Runner-up: Ajay Sheth. Semifinalists: Tendai Ball, Shruti Agarwal.
Tournament Organizers: Quinn Liu, Shruthi Kunjur, Theta Tau Penn. Webpage: Nick Cirillo.
- Every player starts as a "winner."
- Every winner should raise their hand to indicate they are a winner, and are not in a game.
- Each winner should pair up with another winner.
- Each pair will play a best-of-three set of rock, paper, scissors.
- The loser of the set will follow the winner for all future games, and will cheer and hype them up for each.
- The winner should raise their hand to indicate that they are a winner and are looking for another game.
- Repeat steps III and IV until there are only two winners left.
- The last winner standing wins the entire tournament.